How to Determine Your Ring Size

Finding the perfect ring size for your intended recipient can be a challenging but fun activity. There are a few important things that you should consider before making your purchase.


Measure an existing ring

A typical ring size is expressed in millimeters and corresponds to a number size like 8, 9, or 10. Make sure the size you choose will fit the finger of the intended recipient.

One day to do so is to measure the inner diameter of a ring that already fits the recipient. Compare the inner diameter with the ring size chart below, and that is the ring size.


As a general rule of thumb, a properly fitted ring should slide over your knuckle with some resistance and fit securely, but not too tightly, on your finger. To remove the ring, you should experience some resistance and exert a bit more effort. 

Cole Nemeth, a famous wedding blogger, recommends that your finger's base should be snugly encircled by your ring, with no bulges or indentations. Push your ring up from the bottom and check to see if there is a small gap between it and your finger. The small gap is a key indicator that it fits properly.

Perfectly-fit ring

Using a ring sizer

The best way to find your ring size is to use a ring sizer. A ring sizer is a group of metal rings that scale from 3 to 14 millimeters and have half-sizes in between (such as 3.5 or 13.5) to show the discrepancies of sizing. 

There are numerous popular methods online on getting your ring size, but they have proven over time to be inaccurate and inconsistent. Because engagement rings are a valuable purchase, it’s important to get the ring size accurate.

In Brilyo, we provide clients with a ring sizer upon request, to measures the exact measurements of your finger. 

Factors to consider when ring sizing:

  • Your finger size can change during the day. The best time to measure is at the end of the day when your fingers are at their largest. Do not measure when your hands are cold as your fingers could be up to half a size smaller than usual.
  • Weight loss or gain also might change the overall fit of a ring because of the amount of fat present.
  • Each finger has their own unique ring size due to the nature of our uniquely beautiful bodies, so it’s important to measure the size of the finger you want to situate your ring on. This has been proven by scientists’ Bernard and Mendoza in a study called Variations in the Finger Length of the Human Hand.
  • Last but not least, remember that not all rings come in a common size. Some rings may need a different size than usual, such as those with larger designs or thicker bands. 

At the end of the day, you might need to get the ring properly sized by a jewelry expert to be really sure what fits best for your finger. 

Our office is open for consults every day, except Thursdays and Sundays, from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM. To book an appointment, you can send us an email or message through our social media handles such as Facebook and Instagram